Alberto Trebbi

(Bologna 1892 - 1975)

He was a socialist, trade unionist and metallurgist. He spent many years in exile during fascism, keeping nevertheless an important role between socialists and antifascists.

In 1942 he contributed to the rebirth of the Socialist Party but he was captured and deported to Germany, in the camp of Dachau.

He managed to go back to Italy after the war and he was active at a cooperative and political level: he was President of the provincial Consortium cooperatives of production, work and transport in Bologna for 11 years, active in a modernisation of the organisation. He was also part of the national directors of the National League of Cooperatives. He also served as a provincial president of ANED (national association of former political deportees in Nazi camps) .

He was lastly president of the society promoting trades among cooperatives around the world, Intercoop, established in 1956.

Further readings:

• L. Arbizzani, Alberto Trebbi, in F. Andreucci e T. Detti, Il movimento operaio italiano. Dizionario biografico.1853-1943, vol.V, Roma, 1978.
• F. Fabbri, Storia del consorzio cooperative costruzioni (1912-1992), Collana Ciriec, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1994.