Highlands, open horizons.

The value heritage of young people in Giudicarie

The research work intends to look into the value heritage of young people in Giudicarie. The set of values and principles is to examine through a series of quantitative and qualitative tools, with particular reference to a segment of the young public, the so-called generation Z.

Beginning from the general purpose the following specific objectives were defined:
a. To understand the relationship young people have with their land;
b. To understand needs, problems and opportunities perceived by young people;
c. To examine the role that the cooperative movement can have inthe future in the area of Giudicarie where more than a century ago the first cooperative experiences took place in Trentino;
d. To activate moments of reflection on the theme of young people with stakeholders and local policy makers.

The project started in October 2009. During the first 4 months questionnaires were given, data collected were observed and therefore the quantitative analysis was carried out. We expect to have the first results at the end of the school year 2019-2020. The final work will be submitted in September 2020.

In order to achieve the goals we chose to implement the following activities:
1) Involvement of head teachers, professors and students from the three schools;
2) Shared creative process of the questionnaire among scientific experts, researchers of the Foundation don Lorenzo Guetti and school directors; 3) Online questionnaires’ administration in the three schools;
4) Collection and analysis of data;
5) Development of 30 semi-structured interviews to conduct with school directors, policy makers, opinion leaders, prominent personalities, businessmen and cooperators;
6) Managing of 4 local focus and/or thematic groups with school directors, policy makers, opinion leaders, prominent personalities businessmen and cooperators;
7) Presentation of the results to the three high schools’ students involved in the project;
8) Creation of the final report with a chapter specifically dedicated to a “action plan for the near future”;
9) Planning of the final event, open to the community (in Tione di Trento), where school, political and business authorities will be invited.