Emanuele Dalponte


He was born in Vigo Lomaso, he was a professor in Trento after having attended the seminary and the state high school. He was vice president of the Federation of Cooperative Consortia before the Great War and President between 1919 and 1922, after don Giovanni Battista Panizza’s resignation.

He strived for the reactivation of 130 cooperative families and consortia which were damaged by the war, together with 67 credit institutions, for the management and valorisation of the Farmers’ Leagues, for the continuation of the values promoted by the first president Guetti. One of his biggest commitments was the formation of adequate administrative and accounting staff.

During Dalponte’s time, politically and ideologically there was no more division between confessional and neutral, but between catholic and socialist: socialist ideas and divisions in the cooperative world linked to political guidelines were in fact progressively spreading, also in Trentino (for example with Patrizio Bosetti and his division of the Leagues of cooperatives in Trentino, born nationally shortly before).

Further reading:

G. Zorzi, A. Leonardi, A. Canavero (a cura di), Per il popolo trentino. Protagonisti del movimento cattolico a inizio Novecento, Trento, 2014.